Finite element analysis for earth pressure on bucket foundation of breakwater 筒型基础防波堤土压力性状的有限元分析
Earth Pressure Study on the Bucket Foundation Under Horizontal Forces 桶形基础水平加载过程中的土压力研究
The dissipation of excess pore water pressure has a direct bearing on the design of pile foundation in saturated soft soil. 饱和软土地基中桩基设计与沉桩引起的超孔隙水压力大小及其消散有密切关系。
Application of directed high-pressure grouting on foundation pit engineering 高压定喷灌浆在基坑工程中的应用
Earth pressure is the main load on the retaining structure of foundation pit. 土压力是基坑支护结构上的主要水平荷载形式。
Test study on distribution of base pressure of rigid pipe on flat soil foundation 平面土基刚性圆管基底压力分布的试验研究
A new calculation chart of water-earth pressure on foundation pit considering groundwater seepage 考虑地下水渗流的基坑水土压力计算新图式
Dynamic Analysis on Variation of Earth Pressure on Pit Retaining Wall in Soft Soil Foundation 软土地基基坑挡墙土压力变化的动态分析
Discussion on Water Pressure on Both Sides of Enclosure Walls for Foundation Pit Engineering 基坑工程围护墙体二侧水压力问题的探讨
On the Problems of Soil Pressure Acting on Retaining Structure of Foundation Pit 对基坑支护结构土压力问题的探讨
On the basis of stipulations and conditions of current foundation designing standard, this paper puts for ward a direct method of Computation of one-way and two-way eccentric pressure on foundation in designing nouses in calculating eccentric pressure. 本文以现行地基基础设计规范的有关规定和条件为依据,提出了在房屋设计中,计算偏心受压基础时,对一个单向和双向偏心受压独立基础的直接计算方法。
Different models of the earth pressure on the deep foundation pit wall and the safty of retaining structure 深基坑坑壁土压力模式与支护结构安全分析
Relationship between earth pressure on support structure of foundation pits and displacement of earth mass 基坑围护结构上的土压力与土体位移关系分析
The first concrete face and its strengthening face are destroyed by the inverse seepage water pressure on dam foundation. 大坝一期混凝土面板和一期面板的补强面板分别遭受坝基反渗水压力的破坏。
Pressure; Research on the cone penetration resistance of a spread foundation effected by nonlinear distribution of base stress 基底压力分布对扩展基础冲切承载力影响的研究
Inverse seepage water pressure on dam foundation and its destroying effect 坝基反渗水压力及其对混凝土面板的破坏作用
Detection of bearing pressure on composite foundation with Rayleigh wave method 浅析瑞雷波法检测复合地基承载力
Effects of two liquefactions coupling on high pressure jet grouting piles on sand foundation 两种液化耦合影响砂层地基高压旋喷桩效果的探讨
Control of compressive pressure to pile on static pressure prefabricated pile in soft foundation 软土场地与静压预制桩的压桩力控制
To solve the problems of great settlement 、 poor stability and low bearing pressure on foundation, it is necessary to treat the soft foundation in construction. 为解决该类土的压缩沉降量大,地基稳定性差,地基承载力低等问题,在工程建设中往往需要对软基进行处理。
Test verification and analysis of calculation theory of water pressure on bracing construction of foundation pit 基坑围护结构承受的水压力计算理论的试验验证和分析
Studies have been made on measures for relieving the uplift pressure at the bottom of concrete dam on rock foundation. 运用渗流理论对降低岩基混凝土坝坝底扬压力的措施进行了研究。
Study of the bearing pressure on pile foundation for granitic strongly weathered zone in the South Fujian 闽南花岗岩强风化带桩基承载力的研究
One theoretical model about the influence of a fracture on the initiation pressure of the adjacent perforations has been developed on the foundation of fracture mechanics. 建立了射孔破裂后形成的裂缝对相邻射孔孔眼破裂压力影响的模型;建立了一般斜井不同方位射孔处起裂裂缝的总的转向角度的计算模型。
The time histories of the bending moments along the model pile and accumulated pore pressure in soil are obtained by the shake table model test on pile foundation of offshore platforms. 通过海洋平台桩基的振动台模型试验,获得土层振动过程中桩身弯矩和土层中累积孔压的时间过程曲线。
Dynamic consolidation construction is letting the heavy hammer freely falling from higher place to add the force and pressure on foundation, to increase the strength of foundation soil and decrease its compressibility, and to improve its ability of anti-earthquake liquefaction and clear off collapsibility of soil. 强夯施工是将重锤从高处自由落下给地基以冲击力和振动,从而提高地基土的强度并降低其压缩性,改善地基土抗震液化的能力和消除土的湿陷性。
Equation of ultimate state of active earth pressure loading increment on retaining wall in foundation pit during excavation by steps is set up; 以朗金土压力公式为基础,建立了分步开挖基坑挡土墙上主动土压力荷载增量的极限状态方程,给出了符合可靠度要求的土压力荷载的分项系数;
Because the pressure balance method in current design manual does not take the shear strength of soil into account, author used the homogeneous continuum method instead of the pressure balance method in the simulation on the anti-inrushing stability of deep foundation pit. 因为目前设计方法中采用压力平衡法时未考虑土体的抗剪强度,在模拟深基坑抗突涌时采用均质连续体法。
This paper discussed the relations of deformation and earth pressure on support structure of foundation pits. 本文主要探讨了考虑基坑土体主动区结构变形与土压力关系问题。
First of all, we carried on the related literature review on the profession pressure, social support as well as their relationship, on this foundation, we further investigate the nurse professional pressure and the social support vacancy thorough analysis using the sociological principle and the method. 本课题首先对于社会支持、职业压力以及两者的关系进行了相关的文献梳理,在此基础上,运用社会学的原理与方法对护士职业压力与社会支持的不足做了深入的实证分析。